Saturday, April 17, 2010

Potter Trivia

Life is good. I have less than a month left and I cannot wait to be home! Don't get me wrong, I have loved this experience but I don't think I was meant to live away from my family and friends.
The parks are emptying out from Spring Break which means happier guests and happier managers and happier cast members. A few weeks ago though, I had an eleven hour shift at our most boring shop and there was practically no one in the store, and I was selling watches,which basically means I was shunned into the corner of the store by myself. That day one of our artists was in the same area drawing and talking to guests. A British family went over to his desk and started talking to him about his drawings and how their son loves to draw. I looked over a few minutes later and saw that he was drawing a Harry Potter Mickey Mouse complete with lightening bolt scar and all. I slowly walked over when another cast member commented on why he was drawing Harry Potter when it wasn't Disney. Apparently the little boy had asked the artist to draw and as he said that he draws what the guests ask for. I asked the family if they were big Potter fans they said they were and of course I told them I was too and we started discussing JK Rowling's life. The artist was impressed with our knowledge and challenged us to a little bit of HP trivia to see who really knows their stuff. I asked them three questions which they only answered one right and they asked two and I got them right, but in the end we decided it was a tie. I clearly won because the looks on their face when I asked them some questions was priceless but considering I was in costume I had to be nice and let them win. But if you looked at the score board, I won:) So needless to say, my day turned right around after that.