Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Your Land

There is something truly spectacular about walking through a completely empty park. The music plays in the background while the lights twinkle and seem to wink at you through the dark. Its a rare and special moment and makes you realize that this was all created for you. You are the person Walt had in mind when he created the oh so lovable Mickey Mouse. You are the reason he created this magical place where dreams come true. You are the reason.
Walt wanted each and every one of us to feel special from the moment you walked into the park or saw a Disney character on tv. He wanted the world to let go of the stress of living and forget about it even for just a moment. He created everything for you. When your waiting 54 minutes just to ride Peter Pan you sometimes miss the magic that Walt has given you, but I promise you its there. Where else can people from all over the world come and put their coins on the table and trust strangers to take the correct change and not worry that they are taking more money than needed?
Not only has Walt created this spectacular place for you, he has proven to the world that dreams can become reality. Disney World and Disneyland did not always exist, at one point it was just an idea in Walt's mind. He made his dream a reality. Everyone has one dream that they wish they could fulfill but they never give it a chance. If Walt can do it, why can't you? Walt didn't always have it easy either. When his cartoon character Oswald was taken from him he didn't just give up, he started brainstorming again until something better came along. When he was struggling to make ends meet while Disney Land was in creation, he didn't just sigh and stop, he kept on pushing. The day Disneyland opened Walt realized they were many things that needed improving and he fixed them as soon as he could. Not once did he say that this was nonsense and give up on the thing he loved the most. He took chances and constantly put his career and reputation on the line not for just anybody, but for you. So you can experience just one inkling of magic. Next time you walk into a Disney park just take a look around for one minute, I know you want to go race to Toy Story Midway Mania but just look at what was created with you in mind. Everything and everyone there has a meaning and purpose, and that purpose is for you, the child at heart.

"You don't build it for yourself. You know what the people want and you build it for them." —Walt Disney

"To all that come to this happy place: welcome. Disneyland is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past, and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. Disneyland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams, and the hard facts that have created America... with hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world."- Walt Disney

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